HSLU: Informatikprojekt PAWI

Eine Projektarbeit zum Thema Privacy-Preserving Electronic Toll Pricing.


Modulname Informatikprojekt
Modulcode TA.PAWI
Modultyp unchecked.JPGKern unchecked.JPGErweiterung checkedProjekt unchecked.JPGZusatz
Modulniveau unchecked.JPGBasic unchecked.JPGIntermediate checkedAdvanced
Credits 6 ECTS Punkte
Unterrichtssprache checkedDeutsch unchecked.JPGEnglisch
Zulassungsbedingungen -
Kompetenznachweis - Projektbericht
- Abschlusspräsentation
Beschreibung Road charges in Switzerland are payed as an annual lump sum while other European countries run different systems, e.g. toll stations in France. For many years there have been voices advocating road pricing systems based on a pay-as-you-use principle. Such a system would further enable more advanced traffic management where road prices are calculated depending on traffic density, day time or road type. A straight forward implementation of such a toll pricing system presupposes that cars are equipped with an on-board unit that sends GPS data to the service provider. At the end of a tax period the service provider then bills drivers based on their actual road usage. However, the immediate consequence of such a system is that cars can be located at any point in time, which completely discloses privacy. Researchers at the University of Leuven (Belgium) therefore proposed a GPS based toll pricing system that preserves the driver's privacy by transmitting only encrypted GPS data. Still this system uncovers fraud by malicious drivers manipulating their on-board units. Nowadays, more and more people constantly carry around GPS sensors integrated in their smartphones. The question therefore was whether smartphones are capable of doing the heavy cryptography necessary for this protocol, which was proved by a prototype implementation on Android smartphones. (Source: http://www.marcpouly.ch)


Aufgaben & Dokumente
Nachfolgende Dokumente wurden im Verlauf des Moduls erarbeitet. (Keine Gewähr auf Korrektheit des Inhalts).

Dokument Inhalt
PAWI_Projektplan.pdf Rahmenplan, Meilensteinplanung, Risikomanagement, Aufwandschätzung
PAWI_Report.pdf Fachreport zum Thema Privacy-Preserving Electronic Toll Pricing (PrETP)
PAWI_Testplan.pdf Testplan für Softwaretests
PAWI_Praesentation.pdf Abschlusspräsentation